Charles Criminisi, presidente della Cultural Society of Hamilton, ha partecipato nei giorni scorsi alle iniziative dedicate agli emigrati durante i festeggiamenti della Madonna del Monte. L’inaugurazione del nuovo “Cilio degli Emigrati”, voluto dall’associazione “Vivi Racalmuto”, ha rinnovato i rapporti tra le comunità dove vivono tanti Racalmutesi: “Il gemellaggio è guidato dalla passione e dal dovere di tanti ed è nel suo massimo splendore”

Cercando sul dizionario Merriam- Webster, troviamo queste due definizioni: Passione: sentimento o convinzione intensa irresistibile e trascinante; Dovere: la forza di un obbligo morale.

Mentre scrivo la parte finale di questa serie di articoli, la Festa del Monte di Racalmuto è appena finita. È stata preceduta dalla trionfale inaugurazione del “Ciliu degli emigrati” e dal primo raduno che sia mai stato fatto con il titolo Ritorno alle radici.

Per dare una risposta a queste domande, è necessario ritornare al concetto di passione e dovere. Queste due cose sono state sotto gli occhi di tutti durante la scorsa settimana. Giancarlo Matteliano ha guidato un gruppo di persone appassionate per far sì che il nuovo Cilio ed anche il raduno venissero realizzati. La sua passione da sola ha guidato questi progetti, nonostante le avversità, le opinioni contrastanti e tutti gli altri ostacoli.

Queste persone e molte altre hanno plasmato il prossimo capitolo del nostro gemellaggio tra Racalmuto ed Hamilton. Hanno fatto la storia ed hanno creato dei ricordi per ognuno di noi. Il gemellaggio è in pieno sviluppo adesso, è vitale ed è nel suo massimo splendore. Quelli di noi che si trovavano in visita qui lasciano questo luogo, ispirati e con uno sguardo al futuro. Non sto parlando dei residenti a Racalmuto, ma vorrei pensare che anche loro si sentano ispirati, positivi ed orgogliosi della loro città.
Fino a quando non ci incontreremo di nuovo…
Traduzione di Adele Maria Troisi – Foto di Pietro Tulumello
Passione e Dovere: conclusion of a series of reflectionsBy Charles Criminisi

Previous segments of this series of reflections contain the following statements: “Passion: intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction. Duty: the force of moral obligation (Definitions from Merriam-Webster online dictionary – https://www.merriam-webster.
I often think of these two terms as two sides of the same coin. They have much in common and, in my view, are what drive many of us to do what we do and do it to our fullest potential…
The twinning of Hamilton and Racalmuto in the mid 1980s provided a vehicle for us to come together on regular basis with a united sense of purpose. It has proven to be a lasting catalyst for many ideas, initiatives, and collaborations. I believe the genius of the twinning lies in the fact that it is driven by passion and duty, two elements that are an eternal part of the human condition and will sustain us into the future”.
As I write this final piece to the series, the Festa has just ended. It was preceded by the glorious inauguration of the Ciliu degli emigrati and the first ever Raduno with the theme Back to the Roots. I am sitting in La Casa del Pittore overlooking Piazza Barone the morning after a wonderful concert given by a Alex Britti. I am basking in the glow of memories of this past week. Smiling faces, tears, song, reunions, and many of the other blessings that come with returning to the place of one’s roots.
In my humble opinion, this past week, with all of the above noted festivities, was one of the best Racalmuto has ever experienced. This is not only my opinion, as I heard it said, by many citizens of Racalmuto, as well as visitors from afar. Why was it so? What made it so special? These are the things that I’m reflecting on today.
In order to answer those questions, I have to return to the concept of passion and duty. They were in full display during this past week. Giancarlo Matteliano lead a group of passionate individuals to make possible that Ciliu as well as the Raduno. His passion single-handedly drove these projects, notwithstanding adversity, contrary, opinions, and other obstacles.
Mayor Andrea Horwath lead a delegation of us, coming all the way from Hamilton, Ontario Canada, to be with the community, to fully participate in the events of the week, including an insightful symposium held at the Sciascia foundation, as well as a very productive meeting with the president of Sicily. My 92 year old uncle Calogero Criminisi, who left Racalmuto at 21 years of age and brought his grandchildren to experience and celebrate what it means to be Racalmutese.
My cousin Joe Grimaldi, who opened “La Casa del Pittore” last year and opened its doors last week to all of us including the inaugural departure of the Ciliu degli emigrati and farewell party for us Canadians.
Countless volunteers gave of their time, their energy and their talents and service of those who participated in all of these beautiful events. They did so without regret, giving fully of themselves in order to make the week a resounding success.
These individuals and many others have shaped the next chapter in the history of the twinning of Racalmuto and Hamilton. They have made history. They have made possible memories for all of us. The twinning is in full bloom now, it is thriving, and it is in its highest and best expression at the present moment.

Those of us who were here as visitors, leave, this place, inspired and looking to the future. I don’t speak for those who reside in Racalmuto, but I would venture to guess that they are also feeling inspired, positive, and proud of their city.
People came from far and wide this past week, including Canada, Belgium, England, and other places around the world. In my heart, I know that they live here with many beautiful and lasting memories that they will cherish and pass on to other friends, and loved ones.
We part company now filled with passion and love. Our sense of duty tells us that there is much more to do, many more projects to work on, and much to look forward to.
Until we meet again…
Racalmuto-Hamilton, passione e dovere rafforzano il Gemellaggio